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Posts tagged “homo


These past few days have been met with uninteresting paragraphs of my life. In short, boring! I’ve been sitting in my house doing nothing all day, but watching TV and drawing picture after picture. I’ve lost track of the days and dates and a few of my friends in Dubai. This blog has kept me company for so long that everytime I come online, I have to see how it’s doing.

As I watch this tiny blue line go up and down, I smile to myself on the success my blog has become. I admit it’s not so big, but it’s nice to have people seeing it regularly. So give yourselves a big clap! xD You guys are awesome. Doesn’t matter if this is your first tme reading my blog,clap for yourself too xD that’s right.

For today, let’s give a thought on Homophobia. What is Homophobia? It is the fear or rather, the condemnation of gay people. Some of us just don’t like people fucking with their own gender.

And some of us totally accept it- in which case he needs to act as a vampire.

Almost every religion is against gay people. Islam, Christianity (don’t deny it you motherfuckers), Judaism, most Hindus and a shit load of other religions. Why? Well, most of them think that it’s just fucking wrong. I mean, who hasn’t had that thought right? When you were young, you’d have probably been disgusted by men kissing men (or turned on). Then you’d develope this irrational hate or disgust against them. Then in your teenage years, some of you would slowly appreciate the difference around you, the diversity and the freedom of choice. But most of you would hold torches and a signs like these motherfuckers:

Yeah? Fuck you, faggots!

Now let me tell you my opinion on the matter. It doesn’t fucking matter! Whether you’re a Christian or a Muslim, a dumbass or Chinese commuist, it doesn’t matter! We as human beings have a choice, and we can choose to be that way. I’m sure every religion teaches love and acceptance, of peace between different people. If so, then why is it a friggin’ worldwide movement? Why do people claim that ‘God’ doesn’t like gay people? Or that God gave AIDS to kill gays? If you say that God doesn’t tolerate gay people, or that God isn’t loving but strict and unforgiving, then with that you denounce Jesus. You’re automatically saying that whatever Jesus taught was for Himself and not to spread God’s message.

Ok look, I’m not trying to be oh so fucking religious right now, because I’m not. I’m just a normal person- I’m not perfect. But it stands to reason that being a homophobe is not only going against your religion, but it also goes against everything that makes us human. Homophobes go against the concept of free will, free thinking and individualism. So just think about it. Telling someone to be straight just because you are, is like telling a happily married man to divorce his wife, just because you don’t have a girlfriend. It’s stupid, irrational and overall, morally wrong. You won’t benefit, and neither will he. So a big fuck you (in my opinion) to anti-gay motherfuckers.